Welcome to my web site ! You are entering into a professionnal photographer web site. This site was created to be very simple, as effective as possible...
THIS WEBSITE is my very first website on line at the time, it is only about some of my archives for the last 28 years.
Updated : 2022 December 19
Add : new pictures
[ English language is not my mother tongue, by far... so, please forgive my mistakes, & let me know ! )
Don't hesitate to contact me ; to do so, please click on my E-mail address in the upper-right corner. Click on the red link "Gallery", you will find my favorite features : the sea-life, the landscapes of Brittany, and Southern Africa...
There are more than 1300 pictures on line, but this is only a tiny part of my stock...
Warning : By the law, all the images on this web site are Copyrighted.
Interested by a picture ? You want to contact me to buy it & use it? Easy, click on the link below each big photographs...
Remember, All Photographs in this web site have been severely compressed in JPEG... Enjoy your visit !!!