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Sorry, but so far, only available on the French pages... Nevertheless, you can have a look if you click HERE
Paris Match Magazine


The New Book of Christophe is released.
Only in the French Pages, Sorry (This book is actually a real succes)
Christophe Courteau and the Wild Dogs... Follow-up... !

Christophe is back from a new photographic trip in Botswana, where he spent some time with a pack of African Wild Dogs, then he went down to the Central Kalahari Desert in order to start a new project. There he had the opportunity to take photos of one of the last grup of bushmen whom are living in the Kalahari Central, guided by Neeltjie Bower. She was born and raised among Bushmen people and she speaks fluently their amazing "click" language. Unforgetable experiences.
Here is one picture to show the making-off when Christophe is working on the African Wild Dogs in Botswana... More pics are coming soon...
Christophe is back from Africa... but not for long !

Christophe was on assignment in Western Africa. He is back but not for long, he is supposed to go back to Southern Africa very soon. In between he will spend some time in Brazil, in the Pantanal.
Digital Panorama of the Bay of the Mont Saint Michel

Digital Panorama Picture.
File of 122 Mb.
The Documentary "The Secrets of the Wildlife Photographers" is available in DVD

The DVD "The Secrets of the Wildlife Photographers" is available to sell HERE
NEW BOOKs of Christophe Courteau

Two new books of Christophe Courteau are released this month (october 2007).
"Wild Coast of Brittany", Ouest France Publishing, oct. 2007, and "Apes in Danger" or "Singes en Danger", Flammarion Publishing, oct. 2007.
To have a look, go to the "PUBLICATIONS" then scroll down through all the Magazines issues to get the books.
Porcupine, shot at the incredible high ISO : 6400 ISO. With a Canon EOS 1D Mk III

Mass Gorilla "Execution" discovered in Congo
Terrible news from the Democratic Republic of Congo today 23th of July 2007.
To read more, go to the National Geographic Web Site, Clic HERE
ONe Mountain Gorilla shot in the Virunga National Park.

One female Mountain Gorillas was killed by Rebels on sunday 10th of june 2007.
Click HERE to read more about this bad news on National Geographic News...
Endangered Gorillas "Held Hostage" by Rebels in Africa Park

Here is a link to the National Geographic Web Site :
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2006 Award

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2006 Award : This image got a mention "Highly Commended" in The Mammals Behaviour Cathegory. This picture was shooted while I was following a Pack of African Wild Dogs in the North-Western part of Botswana in November 2005. This photograph belongs to a great series showing the Fight between the Dogs and the Hyenas. See more on : |
Wildlife Photographer of the year 2006

Seak Preview of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2006 Contest, in the October issue of BBC Wildlife Magazine. Hyena at Bay. Mammal Cathegorie Award... Photo taken in Botswana, last November. More infos on line after the official Ceremony on the 18th October. |
The Photo Nature & Landscapes Festival of La Gacilly in the steer of the "Champs Elysées" in Paris

Photo Nature & Paysage Fair of La Gacilly

Find my Picture of a Road Sign "EAU" which means "WATER" in the Tunisien Sahara Desert. This image is the Front Page Picture of the Third Photo, Nature & Landscape Fair of La Gacilly in France, from June 9th to September 30 th 2006. All detail on |
The Economist, Science News about the Kakapo in New-Zealand

Interesting News about research and conservation in New-Zealand. The Giant Endangered and nocturnal Parot is threatened, close to extinction. Title of the article : "The Law of unintended consequenses." Because the captive females were too fat, they gave birth mostly to Female Chicks. But too much females in a sex-ratio could be fatal... To reach a good 50 % of males,50 % of females ratio, researchers had to change the menus of the females, and give them less food... ! To know more about this funny scientific and conservation story, & to see more photos, just E-mail me... Meanwhile, go to the gallery and click on New-Zealand to see more NZ critters ! |

The March 2006 Issue of Africa Geographic is available now. You will discover my last report about the Last African Wild Dogs of the Okavango Delta in Botswana. Go to "Publications" and click on the Magazine Cover to sea more pages. |